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Module 2: Implementation Video

In this session, I will walk you through the design and structure of my virtual classroom, tailored explicitly for kindergarten students. The course focuses on helping students build science vocabulary through a blended learning model with rotating stations. It combines 80% live, in-person instruction with 20% asynchronous virtual activities. The primary audience for this course includes my students and their parents, who play a key role in supporting their children's engagement with the virtual aspects of the course. I’m excited to have you along for this learning experience, and if you have any questions at any point, please feel free to reach out to me.

module 2.png

The links provide a more detailed course overview, including the Three-Column Table and the course outline document. These resources will help you navigate the course more effectively by clarifying each module's learning goals, activities, and assessments.


A.W. (Tony) Bates. “Teaching in a Digital Age.”, Pressbooks, 5 Apr. 2015,

Mesman, C. (2016). Tierra en las manos.

D, Harapnuik. “Outcome Based Education vs Competency Based Education.”, 2019, Accessed 24 Mar. 2024.

D, Harapnuik. “LMD EP17 CBE vs OBE.”, 2019, v=_trA_kI4QIg&t=236s. Accessed 24 Mar. 2024.

Fink, L. D. (2005). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning.

Texas Education Agency. (2024). Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Kindergarten.

We can built great things together!

2024 - Angélica Padrón

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