Angélica Padrón
Innovative Proposal
Blended Learning in Science-Station Rotation System
Proposal Innovation Plan
Since the beginning of time, humans have sought to explain events and happenings. That inquisitive spirit typical of humans has led them to develop a wealth of critical knowledge. With these thought patterns and through discovery, people have been able to modify and adapt their environment and way of life.
Education has played an essential role in human development through time and has been subject to constant change and evolution. We live in a digital era, and technology plays a vital role in our education system and how our students learn. Now, more teachers are utilizing digital resources in the classroom to enhance students’ academic performance.
Through my years of experience working with kindergarten students, I have noticed that some scholars, especially our bilingual students, experience various challenges in learning and understanding concepts or different topics in Science lessons. To better serve our students, I would like to propose a plan called “Blended Learning in Science for Kindergarten Students.”
Blended learning provides opportunities for personalized education for each student. This model suggests using a “rotation station” where students are engaged while developing a sense of agency and ownership for their progress (Horn & Staker, 2015).
To complement and activate the teaching of science, I propose to create a digital center using, but not limited to, tools such as MyOn, Prezi, Discovery Education, and HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company) resources provided by the district for our school. I would also like to introduce a rotation station among students, with each station lasting around 25 minutes. I would like to pilot this program for approximately 12 months; then, I will share my findings with the administration and my coworkers.
Using the blended learning approach and focusing on a positive learning environment, I aim to improve students’ academic engagement, ownership, and critical thinking skills by researching essential academic vocabulary about the unit of study. The daily search for vocabulary will enable our students to make connections, activating their prior knowledge with the newly acquired information and assisting them in becoming lifelong learners.
Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindset: the new psychology of success. Ballantine Books.
Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2015). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools.
Jossey-Bass. Learning Section 1: Engaging and Empowering Learning Through Technology. Office of Educational Technology. (2018). Retrieved from
S. (2016). 4 tips for developing effective professional development for
blended learning - Christensen Institute. Christensen