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Blended Learning Station rotation in Dual Language in Kindergarten


Proposal Innovation Plan

Like all things in life, we are experiencing a change in our educational system. We are transitioning from a traditional approach, where students must use memorization and the learning process revolves around the teacher, to a more progressive and student-centered learning experience. This shift aligns with our school's goal of providing a modern, effective, and inclusive education.


One of the most significant changes in education is the use and incorporation of technology.


Our dual-language kindergarten students need to improve their English proficiency. They primarily use Spanish, leaving them with limited exposure to English. This hampers their academic progress and affects their performance in subsequent grades. We must address this language barrier early on to ensure their future success.


I propose an innovative plan to address this issue: Blending Learning in Language Arts with station rotation. This strategy holds immense potential to transform the learning experience of our dual-language kindergarten students.


According to Horn & Staker, 2015, the Bending Learning model facilitates the acquisition of English as a second language due to the extended and individualized time exposure a digital resource provides to each student.


Online rotation


We will use different technology tools, these tools to help them develop English proficiency. These tools facilitate learning and allow students to work on assignments and share their work with their teachers, parents, and classmates.


Teacher Station


The teacher provides direct instruction following the district's curriculum but adjusting it to each student group's proficiency level.


The plan entails strengthening the Rotation model in dual language by incorporating it into any course or subject. Students will rotate between different learning modalities, particularly online learning. Students commonly rotate between small group work, paper-and-pencil assignments at their conventional desks, and online education.


The proposed blended learning model offers numerous benefits. It will provide our students with more opportunities to access technology, develop a range of skills, and empower them, giving them greater control over their learning process and enhancing their research and navigation skills. 


The blended learning model is highly adaptable and can be seamlessly implemented in my kindergarten classroom into any subject of the current curriculum at any system level. For instance, students can use online tools to practice reading and writing in English language arts. In math, they can use interactive online platforms to solve problems. The model continues to help students carry out the work proposed from that subject's perspective. 


Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindset: the new psychology of success. Ballantine Books. 

Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2015). Blended: using disruptive innovation to improve schools.


Learning Section 1: Engaging and Empowering Learning Through Technology. Office of 

Educational Technology. (2018). Retrieved from

Mekhitarian, S. (2016). 4 tips for developing effective professional development for 

blended learning - Christensen Institute. Christensen Institute.

Teaching is the art of nurturing minds, igniting curiosity, and shaping futures. It’s a canvas where passion meets knowledge, and every stroke of guidance leaves an indelible mark on the world. 🌟

2024 - Desiree Lopez

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