Doyna Johnston
Innovative Proposal
Creating Digital Journals Within a Blending Learning Environment
Proposal of Innovation
In a welcoming, language-rich environment that integrates online learning, language learners can significantly boost their linguistic output by expressing their ideas in writing. As key facilitators, educators play a crucial role in this process, guiding language learners to connect their academic and cultural backgrounds with new content and learning experiences.
A significant part of this educational journey would be creating a digital journal. When used effectively, this resource can assist our elementary scholars in improving their writing skills and developing their creativity and critical thinking. A digital writing rotating station can enhance our elementary scholars’ ability to generate genuine journal samples, inspiring them to explore their sense of innovation.
By implementing this approach, young language learners will experience the creative writing process more engagingly so they can customize their points of view and reflect on what they have learned, taking advantage of the opportunity to present different ways of expressing their thoughts more vividly through online technology. Our students can ponder their questions and collaborate on their writing samples, fostering a sense of community and sharing their observations and conclusions on digital platforms, including but not limited to Edublogs, Prezi, ThinkCerca, Book Creator, and Google Sites. Digital Journals will be private within the CISD domain.
To accomplish this task, I propose piloting and setting up a creative digital rotating station for writing authentic academic digital journals, where language learners will incorporate their own social studies and science content reflections within their writing samples during a semester.
Implementing a Blended Learning approach will enable our students to have “personalized and competency-based learning, implemented well and jointly, form the basis of a student-centered learning system” (Horn & Staker, 2015, p.10). Putting this innovative blended learning station into practice, our students will benefit from writing about academic themes driven by inquiry units of study, interconnecting content-based curricula among subjects while developing critical thinking abilities. Most importantly, Blended Learning will enable our young scholars to share their learning experiences with their parents, peers, and school community.
Clayton Christensen Institute. (2014, June 5). Part 6 -- Technology as a Disruptive Force in Education [Video]. Youtube.
Dweck, C.S. (2016). Mindset: the new psychology of success. Ballantine Books.
Harapnuik, D. (2022, May 9). .It's About the Learning First [Video]. Youtube.
Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2015). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools.
Jossey-Bass. Mekhitarian, S. (2016). 4 tips for developing effective professional development for blended learning - Christensen Institute. Christensen Institute.