While watching the videos, I reflected on the importance of the heart and personal emotions in the change process. Something that caught my attention was the "Golden Circle" by Simon Sinek. The outermost circle, labeled "What," represents a company's product or service. The next circle, "How," would be the technology behind this product or how the service is provided, and the innermost circle represents "Why" the company makes the product.
As Sinek points out, every organization knows "what" they do. Many know "how" they do it differently, but surprisingly, few know why they do what they do. And the why is not about making a profit but their purpose. As Sinek points out, most individuals begin with the what and work inward toward the why, but very few go in the exact other direction. They make a difference because they communicate from the inside out instead of the outside.
Without resting importance on the mind, we should not ignore our hearts. The video's message helped me think about how the emotional background for decisions is provided by the capacity to articulate why. When pursuing a goal and figuring out how to get there, clearly understanding why I am doing things will help me stay focused and have direction. The strongest assurance is when I feel and know it's right.
Dr. Kotter highlights the importance of instilling a sense of urgency and speaking to people's hearts and minds to implement change successfully.