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Creating Significant Learning Environments Plus, A Growth Mindset

Creating Significant Learning Environments Plus, A Growth Mindset

At the outset of this master's program, professors strongly emphasized cultivating the capacity for a Growth Mindset to step beyond our comfort zones and explore uncharted territories. This was evident from the proclamation of our disruptive proposal (Innovative Proposal Digital Writing Journals ), where we delved into the concept of Creating Significant Environments (Creating Significant Learning Environments).


As we journey through the program, it becomes increasingly clear that a Growth Mindset is beneficial for learners to thrive in their educational pursuits. Embracing a growth mindset means understanding that intelligence, skills, and talents are not fixed but can be developed through unwavering commitment, intelligent effort, and resilience. Here is my plan for fostering a Growth Mindset for subject 5302, A Growth Mindset Action Plan.


After delving into the development of Significant Learning Environments, I, as an educator, have come to a profound realization of the importance of advocating for these learning spaces. The Emergence of the New Culture of Learning is reshaping our understanding of education. We must adopt an optimistic outlook towards new advancements and harness the resources at our disposal to enrich the learning experience for our students.


The new culture of learning needs a philosophical approach that will serve as the framework for its innovative proposal.  I invite you to review my approach to a learning philosophy, Learning by Doing Philosophy.


A fresh perspective on comprehending the learning experience needs a reformed approach to programming education, prompting an exploration of Fink's taxonomy and Understanding by Design. Please read more about the work done based on Finks taxonomy. Aligning Outcomes, Assessments, and Activities and Understanding by Design.

Finally, fostering a Growth Mindset culture is crucial for the success of significant learning environments. To learn more about my approach to a Growth Mindset, click here A Growth Mindset Plan Revised.



Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: the New Psychology of Success. Random House. 


 Intellspot. (2024, June 22). Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset: The Difference Explained 


Harapnuick, Thibodeaux , &  Cummings. (2018, January). COVA. Lamar University.  

Hayes, Thelma. (2024, June 22). Promoting a Growth Mindset through the Lens of Children’s Literature.


A Maryland State Department of Education Resource. 

Scott, Jeffrey. (2016, December 26). Change Your Fixed Mindset into a Growth Mindset [Complete Guide]. Scott Jeffrey.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela. 

2024 - Doyna Johnston

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