What is an e-portfolio useful for?
As a teacher transitioning from a traditional educational approach to the COVA model, one can appreciate the value of creating an ePortfolio, where you showcase your professional achievements and new educational approach, integrating digital learning strategies within a blended learning environment. The challenge for the teacher is to change his or her mindset to " learning to learn," as stated by Dr. Harapnuik at https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=5973. By creating an ePortfolio, the learner becomes an active participant in his or her own learning experience; as well as a researcher of new ideas, concepts, processes, methods, etc. One of the advantages of developing an e-portfolio is that the learner leaves a trace of digital evidence and can later return to reflect on the results of his or her research, either to conclude, evaluate or propose new approaches and methodologies. The process is experimental, active, and, as they often say..." a breathing document."
Harapnuik, D. It's About Learning. Creating Significant Environments from https://www.harapnuik.orage_id=5973
Harapnuik, D. It's About Learning. Creating Significant Learning Environments from https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=5977