"People do not buy what you do; they buy why you do it." - Simon Sinek.
" Those who lead inspire us." - Simon Sinek.
"We follow those who lead because we want to; we follow not because of them, but for ourselves." Simon Sinek.
These quotes guide me in reflecting on why I am studying for this ADL Master’s degree. My reason is that I would like to keep telling and writing stories using the best innovative technology available and not be left behind in expressing my ideas, beliefs, and reasoning. In short, I want to remain current, flowing along the innovation wave of this digital era. At the same time, equally important is the fact that I would like to spark in my young students a love for reading and, mainly, for writing. Bottom line, I want them to feel free to express their thoughts, feelings, and findings. I want to inspire them to express, debate, and defend their reasons for wanting to embark on any endeavor they fancy. When you teach children the art of reading and writing, you unlock their potential for blooming and contributing to their society.
Sinek, Simon. Start with why - how great leaders inspire action - Simon Sinek (18:01). Published by: TEDx Date: 09.28.2009.
YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/u4ZoJKF_VuA