My learning experience in this program has fundamentally altered my perspective. I now view learning, myself, and others in a completely new light. I am more open to diverse learning styles and recognize that everyone I encounter contributes to my learning journey. I regularly apply class concepts to various aspects of my life, which has transformed my thinking. My relationships with coworkers, family, and friends have grown stronger, and I have seen changes in areas where I once felt stuck. The growth I have experienced in less than 16 weeks is unparalleled in my life.
As I entered the second semester of the ADL graduate program, I felt more confident and prepared to embrace the roles of both learner and leader. Physically prepared but unprepared for the extent of personal growth, I realized I needed more time to process higher-order thinking. Although I reverted to submitting work on time rather than early, I am proud of my accomplishments and grateful for the learning opportunity.
The past eight weeks have been about change, highlighted by the duality between EDLD5302 Educational Technology Concepts and EDLD5304 Leading Organizational Change. EDLD5302 focused on internal change, while EDLD5304 addressed external change. The synthesis of work between these classes has been extraordinary.
I am giving myself the following grades:
EDLD 5302: 100%
EDLD 5304: 100%
In EDLD5302, we developed a Growth Mindset, created a Learning Manifesto, and expanded our connections to various Learning networks. This challenging course required us to embark on a personal quest to understand the purpose behind each assignment. While I am proud of my progress and the completion of my ideas, I acknowledge there is still much room for improvement. My evolution continues.
In EDLD5304, my plan focused on influencing change within an organizational environment. This plan was global in context, encompassing all areas around me. I developed strategies and plans that aligned with the taught concepts and fit within my organizational culture. I mapped out an Influence Strategy, created an influencer strategy, and a 4DX installation plan. We also delved into discovering our 'Why?' The most powerful task was understanding what inspires me about learning and why I chose this career.
EDLD5302 and EDLD5304 work together in a 100/100 relationship, with EDLD5302 focusing on "internal change work" and EDLD5304 on "external change work." Due to this connection, I created a single learning contribution assessment. This setup allowed each class's readings, frameworks, and assignments to support the other. I felt supported by my Innovation Plan and continue to grow, enjoying this journey where I am developing an electronic portfolio design to evolve within this program.
Key Contributions
Checked GroupMe daily to participate in discussions and support classmates.
Provided feedforward on GroupMe and discussion boards frequently.
Reflected on feedforward and revised my ePortfolio and projects based on suggestions from classmates and professors.
Attended all class meetings for both EDLD5302 and EDLD5304; prepared and on time.
Participated more frequently in Zoom class discussions over these eight weeks.
Completed all readings and watched all videos for each class.
Met all deadlines in the course calendars for both EDLD5302 and EDLD5304.
Checked grades and emails regularly and responded promptly to both courses
Blogged outside of class requirements multiple times throughout the courses.
Applied coursework ideas and shared them with friends, family, and co-workers to contribute to extended community learning.
Actively checked and responded to discussion boards for EDLD5302 and EDLD5304.
Shared pertinent class information via GroupMe
Supporting Contributions
Took a shared leadership role in our core group alone.
Reached out to classmates and offered support as needed.
Areas for Improvement
Utilize each professor's conference time as needed.
Complete assignments before the due date to have more time to receive feedforward from collaboration groups.
While I am pleased with my growth over these eight weeks, I recognize the need for further improvement to receive more feedback from my collaboration groups. I enjoy writing in notebook form, but this practice limits my ability to receive timely feedback from peers. I will be more intentional about moving my notes and assignments to a digital format to share with classmates for improvement and growth.
I am learning that there is no reason to be intimidated by others. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and relying on each other will help us develop more quickly and fully than we ever imagined possible. I look forward to seeing where this journey leads and feel grateful to be part of this program.